The real blinkÂing red light in that announceÂment: the new head of the shop is the VP in charge of finance and adiiÂisÂtraÂmtnon. Whenever that hapÂpens, it means that things are really desperate.I perÂsonÂally use ScribeFire in FireFox to autoÂmatÂiÂcally send all my posts to both LJ and Blogger. I figÂure if both of them die, it’s because there is no longer reliÂably delivÂered elecÂtric curÂrent on Earth.
The real blinkÂing red light in that announceÂment: the new head of the shop is the VP in charge of finance and adiiÂisÂtraÂmtnon. Whenever that hapÂpens, it means that things are really desperate.I perÂsonÂally use ScribeFire in FireFox to autoÂmatÂiÂcally send all my posts to both LJ and Blogger. I figÂure if both of them die, it’s because there is no longer reliÂably delivÂered elecÂtric curÂrent on Earth.